So I have no really reason for not blogging forever expect that I just haven't felt like it. Not to much is going on here but school and work but I do have some pictures from a few trip we have been on. They may or may not be in order but that is ok becuase I am not to worried about it.
James is almost done with school we are now in our last semester and he is pretty excited to be done and looking for jobs. James is going into Advertising so if you know of any jobs let us know. We plan on moving to Az to be near family and I am pretty excited to get down there. I am getting more and more excited to get down there. I want to start packing now but I have to keep reminding myself that I have like 3 months. My work gets done on the July 2nd. Well school gets out on May 27th but I am doing summer school to make more money.
I wish I had more to share but I have just cant think of anything so I will just get to posting the pictures and telling you about our trips.